Wednesday, September 19, 2012

10 Weeks: Baby Bump or Bloat?

Today I am 10 weeks pregnant! Not sure if I'm looking a little bloated or actually showing first signs of a baby bump...either way, that's what it looks like. The small indention of 2 possible abs are officially gone. 
:( hehe 

One thing you should know is that I am extremely petite. I am 4'11, weighing 95lbs. Because I am so small I wear kids' size pants. As of this morning, things are getting pretty tight, and I'm starting to get a little worried because I don't know how much longer I'll be able to squeeze into my Gap Kids jeans! If finding clothes was hard before, finding petite maternity clothes might be an even bigger challenge! I may be breaking out the sweat pants for work in no time!