30 Weeks today! Can you believe it?! Exactly 9 weeks from today I will be holding my sweet baby girl in my arms! And yes, I said 9 weeks. To fill you in, I have decided to schedule my C-section for Week 39, April 12th. I know it may seem unnatural but during the early stages of my pregnancy my doctor discovered a very large cyst on my ovary. Luckily it is not cancerous, but it must come out! After much consideration I spoke to my doctor and decided to schedule my C-section and cyst operation at the same time. Since we're already going to cut me open, might as well take care of everything at once! I am scared of the surgery, but I trust my doctor very much and I trust that I am making a good decision for myself and my baby. So, unless she decides to comes early...on April 12th she will be making her first grand appearance!
About week 30: Baby Sofia weighs anywhere between 2.75-3lbs, about the size of a head of cabbage. I have gained approximately 12 lbs, and should continue to average +1 pound a week. Her eyesight continues to develop, though it is not very keen- 20/400 vision (normal adult vision is 20/20).
How I am preparing: For the past several weeks I have been working on getting the nursery ready, finalizing my registries, and tying up any lose ends at my job before my leave. With less than 10 weeks to go I still have so much ahead! I haven't registered for any birth classes, but I did manage to squeeze in 2 birthing videos (which I'm still dreading!). Just a helpful tip for any preggies out there, stay away from youtube videos about birth. If you missed that day in anatomy class, this isn't the time to catch up on reproduction. What they show on these videos is graphic and scary. I think I cried for one solid hour after watching. Both options (c-section and vaginal) are very intimidating (to put it nicely) and can make anyone question WTH they've gotten themselves into. Luckily I've had some great family and friends who have more than reassured me that everything will be just fine and it will all be worth it once I'm holding Sweet Sofia in my arms. :) Happy Friday!
So excited for you two.. By the way, April 12 is my dad's birthday.. :-)